To Infinity and Beyond!: The Story of Pixar Animation Studios: Karen Paik, Ed Catmull, Steve Jobs, J (翻攝自YOUTUBE) 泫雅穿著黃色比基尼,上演泳池濕身秀,甚至只穿藍色小褲褲,抱乳全裸上陣,在鏡頭前大秀翹臀、纖腰以及美背。不僅如此,其中一幕她穿著黑色夾克,從車上走下來,眨眼舉起手的動作,意外讓夾克掀開,大方放送南半球。 viaKaren Paik is the author of The Art of Ratatouille. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Ed Catmull is the president of Pixar, and a winner of the Coons Award, the highest achievement in the computer graphics field. Steve Jobs is the former CEO of Pix...