變心的前兆 近3成民眾 坦承有過精神外遇
To Infinity and Beyond!: The Story of Pixar Animation Studios: Karen Paik, Ed Catmull, Steve Jobs, J 在這個小三充斥、劈腿頻傳的時代,台灣離婚率年年高居不下,外遇成了婚姻的大殺手,維持一段歷久彌新、堅貞不二的愛情彷彿已是夢想,童話故事般的愛情戲已經沒人要看,反而流行起像是「犀利人妻」、「妻子的復仇」等愛恨糾結的偶像劇,比起來似乎更能反映現今社會的愛情狀態。隨著愛情觀念的改變,擁有一段穩定的愛情真的Karen Paik is the author of The Art of Ratatouille. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Ed Catmull is the president of Pixar, and a winner of the Coons Award, the highest achievement in the computer graphics field. Steve Jobs is the former CEO of Pix...