to remember to let go and to move on

To remember, to let go, and to move on是什麼意思_百度知道在生物界,大吃小一點都不奇怪,但是小吃大就特別多了。最近曝光的一系列照片顯示,2004年在南非一家電器行,櫃檯羅伯森(Tania Robertson)到公司上班時,發現一條長約14公分的蛇被她桌子與牆壁間的蜘蛛網纏住,旁邊一隻褐寡婦蜘蛛(Brown Button Spider,又稱褐色鈕扣蜘蛛,黑寡網友採納: 應該是To remember, to let it go, and to move on 翻譯是 :銘記于心,放手過去,繼續生活 ......


8 Effective Ways to Let Go and Move On - Marc and Angel Hack Life – Practical Tips for Productive Li 這麼做不對要用槍才對!!            8 Effective Ways to Let Go and Move On Written by Marc Chernoff // 179 Comments “Some people believe ......
