Q by Aston Martin V12 Vantage S Coupe
Japan Online Car Rental - ToCoo! Car Rental 這四款車中,以V12 Vantage S的水晶紫塗裝最是迷人,尤其水箱護罩與後方下擾流板的淺藍配色,更營造視覺反差的魅力。內裝方面雖然以黑色皮革為主軸,但諸如車門飾板、中控、儀錶板、方向盤等處,皆以藍紫色車縫線及飾板為點綴,而頂篷則為整片深藍色,相當具有夢幻氛圍。 【更多精采內容請上Information [To the travel agency of everyone] We are now looking for participants of ToCoo! car rental distributors (Registration free) Once you register to the distributor, you can start Japanese car rental business with you customers. We can offer Spec...