[Focus MK4 FUN改裝專題]Part.2空力套件及週邊--凌駕ST-Line X 11萬元
TOTO Unveils Poo-Powered ‘Toilet Bike Neo’ Motorcycle! | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, 底盤懸吊強化運動能力 進排氣系統提升油門樂趣 堅持倒立式避震器,剛好的ET值營造絕美視覺享受 !! 這一波的基礎改裝當然除了外觀的ST-Line化之外,JF也針對底盤與基礎動力的升級做開發。另外JF手頭上也已經取得原廠渦輪,準備去做軸心葉片的修改,只要等待軟體開發完成後即可來做更大幅度的性能提昇。 Share on Tumblr Email Yes this is real! Japanese toilet company TOTO just unveiled the ultimate green motorcycle – and it doesn’t run on gasoline or an electric motor. Instead, TOTO’s “Toilet Bike Neo” runs on biogas that is produced from livestock waste....