toilet bike neo

TOTO Unveils Poo-Powered ‘Toilet Bike Neo’ Motorcycle! | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation,       我想這台車應該常被撞.....Share on Tumblr Email Yes this is real! Japanese toilet company TOTO just unveiled the ultimate green motorcycle – and it doesn’t run on gasoline or an electric motor. Instead, TOTO’s “Toilet Bike Neo” runs on biogas that is produced from livestock waste....


TOILET BIKE NEO: Crazy Poop-Powered Motorcycle to Travel Across Japan! | Inhabitat - Sustainable Des...是獅子王他兒子 In just under a week, the toilet bike will begin a 100% biogas-fueled journey from Kyushu to Tokyo, making press stops to answer questions by inevitably bewildered spectators. Toilet Bike Neo’s… ... TOTO, the top commode manufacturer in Japan, just unveil...


Japan's poo-powered Toilet Bike Neo makes a big stink outside Tokyo | Digital Trends        那天一定是醉了...Last year we gave you a glimpse of the poo-poo powered, three-wheeled Toilet Bike Neo from popular Japanese toilet-maker Toto. In addition to its (*ahem*) “green” power source, the Toilet Bike Neo has the distinction of, well, looking like a giant toilet ...


TOTO's Toilet Trike hits Japanese streets      現在小孩子到底怎麼了....!!!If you think this smells like a PR stunt, you're right. In an effort to raise awareness about bathroom emissions and water savings, Japanese toilet manufacturer TOTO has created the Toilet Bike Neo Project ... yep, it's a road-going, three-wheeled toilet ...


RV Neo-Angle Skylight for Replacement or New Install - PPL Motor Homes 這是甚麼情況...?? RV Neo-Angle Skylight for Replacement or New Install. Great Prices on RV Neo Angle Skylights and Skylight Shades. Light up Your RV. RV Vent Superstore ... RV Skylights in the popular 'Neo-Angle' shape are designed to fit over 'garden tub/showers'. Like al...
