Tokio Hotel - World Behind My Wall Lyrics 帽子,一個看似不起眼的單品,卻是造型中很重要的一環!不僅有畫龍點睛的效果,更能提高造型的完整度。像是知名的華人潮流ICON EUGENE TONG曾說過,自己最不能沒有的配件就屬於帽子,不管是毛帽、棒球帽、紳士帽款都是他的最愛,有此可見帽子對於整體造型的重要性有多大了!連ONE編自己也是帽子控,最Lyrics to World Behind My Wall by Tokio Hotel: It's raining today / The blinds are shut / It's always the same / I tried all the games that ... I think that the song refers to a person who is famous and for this reason it says : life on TV. This person is...