Welcome to Tokyo MOU - Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Asia-親愛的老婆: 你,在娘家還好嗎? 從我們慪氣到現在你已經離家出走達38小時零37分鐘了,這距離你出走史上的最高紀錄還差4個小時零21分種,我知道你在等我向你登門道歉,我也準備這樣做,但我更希望你能堅持下去,再創你出走史上的新高! 我在家裏一切還好,請不要惦念。雖然,你帶Welcome to Tokyo MOU The Tokyo MOU is one of the most active regional port State control (PSC) organizations in the world.The organization consists of 18 member Authorities in the Asia-Pacific region. The main objective of the Tokyo MOU is to establish an...