【震驚】iPhone 鮮為人知的功能!去哪全都被記錄!
Tom Ford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 打開你的Iphone,依次點擊: 設置→隱私→定位服務→系統服務→常去地點,會看見什麼? 答案是:能看到你帶著iPhone曾經去過的所有地方。 近日有網帖圖文並茂地指出,iPhone手機存在泄露用戶行蹤的風險。 業內人士表示,如果Thomas Carlyle "Tom" Ford (born August 27, 1961)[2] is an American fashion designer and film director. He gained international fame for his turnaround of Gucci and the creation of the Tom Ford label before directing the Oscar-nominated film A Single Man.[...