10個「交往中的情侶都不敢承認的害羞臉紅小秘密」! 7如果兩個人都躺在床上時,你就不得不...
The podfather, part III | The Economist ▲10個「交往中的情侶都不敢承認的害羞小秘密」!(source:zipcy) 哈囉大家好~我是FUFU編!今天要和大家介紹的是10個「交往中的情侶都不敢承認的害羞小秘密」!根據頭條號主星檸娛樂的分享,大家在單身的時候會希望可以找到那個對的人,但是在交往狀況中又會發生很多讓你哭笑不得的“I DON’T want the iPod to be my defining thing,” says Tony Fadell, the chief executive of Nest Labs, a firm that he co-founded in 2010 after leaving Apple. “I’m all about peaking late in life.” Mr Fadell, who is 43, has already done more than enough to se...