too good to be true 意思

How To Become A Hacker - site page 「妳想結婚嗎?」 這是年過二十五歲以後的女生,最常被問到的問題。無論妳想婚還是不婚,到了三十歲後,所要面臨的卻是更多的考驗。親戚朋友的好奇,家人的壓力,生理機能的退化……。就算我們還是能夠維持青春的樣貌身材,有著最熱切不失望的心,卻無法挑戰環境跟身體的變化。就算我們一次Hackers solve problems and build things, and they believe in freedom and voluntary mutual help. To be accepted as a hacker, you have to behave as though you have this kind of attitude yourself. And to behave as though you have the attitude, you have to re...


Too many laws, too many prisoners | The Economist 世上最好的男朋友 The Best Boyfriend in the World她交過一個世上最好的男朋友,從倫敦念書回來、家境良好、樣貌可愛、多禮有趣,家人、朋友,都喜歡他喜歡個半死,包括她自己。 他簡直是偶像劇裡才會出現的人,會在非節慶的日子給驚喜,會帶她出去旅遊,當她不想工作時,男人會支持她Many Americans assume that white-collar criminals get off lightly, but many do not. Granted, they may be hard to catch and can often afford good lawyers. But federal prosecutors can file many charges for what is essentially one offence. For example, they ...


Gangster Bankers: Too Big to Jail | Rolling Stone情感揭秘:男人最怕女人說「我們必須談談」 澳大利亞麥考裏大學統計學家約翰·克勞徹綜合多年研究和調查所獲數據,寫成《愛情解碼》一書,以誇張和略帶嘲諷的方式解讀男女兩性對待愛情的不同態度。 書中舉例,當一名男性認為伴侶背叛他,這種想法的正確幾率為50%;而當一名女性懷疑自己的愛人背着自己「How HSBC hooked up with drug traffickers and terrorists. And got away with it ... T he deal was announced quietly, just before the holidays, almost like the government was hoping people were too busy hanging stockings by the fireplace to notice....


Too Late to Apologize: A Declaration - YouTube鄧惠文:你今天倒「情緒垃圾」了沒? 你可以想像一個人都不倒垃圾,最後臭到鄰居嗎?你如果嫁了或娶了個都不倒情緒垃圾的人,這跟家裡積放了很多垃圾是一樣的道理。「情緒垃圾」堆積起來害己又害人,因為沒有人喜歡看愁眉苦臉的另一半。 有三種人很少倒情緒垃圾:一是沒有安全感、害怕被拋棄的人,害怕講出情緒會惹對方討"Too Late To Apologize: a Declaration" is Soomo's first satirical video project and is part of our ongoing effort to facilitate learning in creative, innovative ways. Soomo Publishing creates online assignments that bring the best web resources to the col...


Cool Story, Bro - The New Yorker4種越吵越愛的吵架方式   兩個人在一起時間越久越容易出現矛盾,吵架是不可避免的。但是吵架也是一門學問,會吵架也能讓愛情越來越甜蜜。 美國作家Sheila Heen和先生都在哈佛大學教授人際溝通,所有的人都以為他們是完美的組合,絕對不會吵架,結果,錯了!在他們家中,照樣會有爭執。 心理學博Judged purely on style, HBO’s “True Detective” is a great show. Every week, it offers up shiver-inducing cable intoxicants, from an over-the-top action sequence so liquid it rivals a Scorsese flick to piquant scenes of rural degradation, filmed on locatio...
