too less

Population Matters - Official Site 翻拍自新聞中心(示意圖非本人)           imgur [檢視原始大小(640x960)]       簡訊內容都是同一個女生,加上打電話被拒絕的次數差不多11次,什麼爛理由都有,最近吃太多肉粽以及要Population Matters works to promote population concern, family planning, environmental conservation and sustainable lifestyles. ... Population awareness We're raising awareness of the cost to humanity and other species of unsustainable human numbers and ....


The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less: Barry Schwartz, Ken Kliban: 9781491514238: Book 網友見解: (1)確實很多人都說嫁出去不是當傭人!但以這帖為例!婆家的人也沒道理要當傭人! 不爽洗碗那別人也沒道理要幫你洗!到底是啥心態會將內衣褲給長輩洗!. 不要再說小姑少管或是弟弟的問題了!很倒胃口! 難道成年人自己的行為不能自己負責?把內衣褲丟給公公洗也是弟弟要他幹的? (2)內衣褲那種貼身Like Thoreau and the band Devo, psychology professor Schwartz provides ample evidence that we are faced with far too many choices on a daily basis, providing an illusion of a multitude of options when few honestly different ones actually exist. The conclu...


Digital Pencil Too   示意圖非當事人(來源) 靠北老婆原文: 老婆 今天我們終於辦好了離婚手續 結束了九年來的鬧劇 先恭喜彼此 也祝福你!   我們是交往兩年才結婚的 聘金八十萬 粉色婚禮 五星飯店酒席四十桌 巴黎蜜月 婚姻的開始一切一切都是那麼的美好 直到你懷孕  剛知道懷孕的第一天I have decided to allow sales by crafters who use a Hobby House Mo Manning topper (and also the Penny Black stickers if they should become available.) ... First of all though, let me say that is is obviously NOT my customers who are doing this. So THANK Y...


The Original Human TETRIS Performance by Guillaume Reymond - YouTube   男朋友蠻好的愛你的一切! 看完覺得暖暖的~     -------------------------- 原PO: 從小到大一直有狐臭的困擾 我知道閃光是個很在意味道的人 所以我一直不敢跟他說我有狐臭 每次跟他出去常常去廁所補擦止汗劑 所以交往一年多他都還不知道沒 TETRIS played by real human-beings sitting in an auditorium: TETRIS is the 4th video performance of the GAME OVER Project, directed by the Swiss artist Guillaume REYMOND (NOTsoNOISY creative agency). This stop-motion vid...


Too Many Cooks | Adult Swim - YouTube美國媒體評出“另類諾貝爾獎”,其中可樂殺精子獲“另類諾貝爾獎”化學獎。獲獎的科學家安德森聽聞可樂避孕的傳說多年,決議和一些同事用實行加以驗證,後果發現可樂確實能殺死精子,其中健怡可樂的殺精結果尤其好。 其實,除了可樂之外,現實生活中還有很多不為人知的殺Too Many Cooks Watch Full Episodes: SUBSCRIBE: About Adult Swim: Adult Swim is your late-night home for animation and live-action comedy. Enjoy some of your favorite shows, including Robot Chicken, Ven...


Living With Less. A Lot Less. - 不能溝通看看嗎? 也許兩個人講開了會有不一樣的收獲噢 ------------------------------------- Dcard原文 我的閃光是個人人稱羨的男朋友走到哪裡看到他的人都會誇獎我朋友我媽都超愛他長得小帥,貼心,很有擔當 很勤勞無曖昧對象也從不會做令人懷疑的事您們能想到的優點I have come a long way from the life I had in the late ’90s, when, flush with cash from an Internet start-up sale, I had a giant house crammed with stuff — electronics and cars and appliances and gadgets. Somehow this stuff ended up running my life, or a ...
