too to 文法

Word Choice # 11 Practice有網拍經驗的人都知道,賣家都會把要賣的產品拍下來PO供買家觀看,不過近日新北市一名男子拍下二手安全帽的照片要上網拍賣,結果安全帽面罩鏡反射出他下半身只穿內褲的「大GG照」。 網友們點開網址連結發現,賣家只穿內褲拍安全帽,卻渾然不知下面也已經入鏡,有人說「感覺還滿大包的」,但也人認為「擋風鏡片有放大效Word Choice # 11 Practice...


Guide to Grammar and Writing你看過猩球崛起這部電影嗎? 黑猩猩擁有的很高的智商,千萬不要看不起牠們!!   這隻黑猩猩出現在一群軍人之中。 我不得不說,這些軍人真的是笨蛋!不要問我為什麼要這樣說,看下去就對了!   而這群軍人一點危機意識都沒有的將槍枝交給了黑猩猩!   甚至一邊嘻笑一邊教起黑猩猩The Guide to Grammar and Writing contains scores of digital handouts on grammar and English usage, over 170 computer-graded quizzes, recommendations on writing -- from basic problems in subject-verb agreement and the use of articles to exercises in parall...


Lynch, Guide to Grammar and Style - Home | Rutgers University - Newark為你介紹一首神秘的歌曲www 每天回家都看見自己的老婆裝死躺在門口,不知道會有甚麼感受?! 而且還會有許多不同的死法~ 擁有這樣的老婆妳會覺得困擾?還是開心呢?      被菜刀刺死!   電線纏住脖子,被勒死!   箭穿越頭而死亡!   An original, authoritative, and opinionated guide to English grammar, style, and mechanics, by Jack Lynch of Rutgers University, author of The English Language: A User's Guide ......


Adverbs 假如某天這個世界真被殭屍統治了,唯一的生存機會就是學會他們的語言。下面介紹的這本生存手冊:教你怎麼說殭屍語(How to Speak Zombie: A Guide for the Living),將教會你如何在日常生活中混進殭屍中和避免被吃掉。 手冊帶有一個電子聲音模塊,可以模擬出準確的殭屍發音More Notes on Adverb Order As a general principle, shorter adverbial phrases precede longer adverbial phrases, regardless of content. In the following sentence, an adverb of time precedes an adverb of frequency because it is shorter (and simpler): Dad tak...


Free English Grammar Lessons and Tests   西德的Glees 和Wassenach 兩個村最近一直在為誰能耕得最直的田線和誰能製作最大的香腸爭論不休,最後兩家村委會決定舉辦一個垃圾桶競速比賽來一決勝負,勝者取得這些名聲 比賽者們需要趴在政府提供的帶輪垃圾桶上,從山坡上滑下,看誰的速度更快。不太費厄潑賴(fair paly)的是Free online English grammar lessons and tests. Glossary of grammatical terms and common grammar errors. ... Please help to improve Grammar Monster. Do you disagree with something on this page? Did you spot a typo? Do you have any tips or examples to ......
