too to

Leigh Newman - Things I'm Too Stubborn to Tell My Mother 愛跑步的人無所不在,最近更是掀起了一股路跑潮流,千萬不要懷疑人類無窮無盡的創造力,接下來你將會從這些經典的路跑活動中看見許多「瘋狂」的身影! 是的,愛參加路跑的朋友們,你們絕對是最獨特的,也是最...瘋狂的!似乎在現代生活中,路跑活動永遠都不嫌花俏、永遠都不嫌沒梗,只要有這群瘋狂的運動家們,路跑活1. Regarding the broken Art Deco hand mirror in the bathroom: I broke it. I apologize. There were only two of us living in our house, you and me. Who did I think I was fooling with that ghost story? 2. I too now say "you're plucking my nerves" to my child...


How Sitting Too Much Is Making Us Sick and Fat -- And What to Do About It | Chris Kresser每個人的小時候一定都會有玩具,可能是芭比娃娃,或是絨毛玩偶,還有一些扮家家酒的廚房用具。 但以下這些玩具絕對超乎你的想像,跟你小時候玩的一定不一樣,世界特搜30個最詭異、最恐怖的玩具!   1.像是從地獄爬出來的.....   2.這是微笑嗎?   3.這個...不知道There's no question that regular exercise is essential to health. For the vast majority of our evolutionary history, we've had to exert ourselves -- often quite strenuously -- to get food, find shelter and simply survive. We naturally spent a lot of time ...


Don't Fart Too Loudly! | if you need to do it, please let it go discreetly. we'll know when the foul 說到夏天,女性有大半都會想到比基尼,而男性通常沒有這項福利(也算困擾之一…)於是近日有一大群男人「沒有原因」的把胸毛弄成比基尼的形狀,並發佈在 Instagram 上標註 # ChestHairBikinis (胸毛比基尼)!這個新興的熱潮&hellipif you need to do it, please let it go discreetly. we'll know when the foul stink hits us. ... chanjerping@twitter RT @pekkatahkola: Krasniy Prospekt, Novosibirsk, Siberia. Officials say there's not enough space for bike infrastructure.....


Too Many Cooks | Adult Swim - YouTube 熱愛吃肉的朋友們,不管是早餐、午餐或是晚餐,你似乎都能大快朵頤,但是基於需要維持好身材或是健康的緣故,你無法肆無忌憚地大口吃肉。沒關係,時尚迷們在此為你設計了許多關於培根的商品,就算無法無時無刻地吃肉,或許你可以借由這些商品暫時平撫你的「肉」慾嘍! 戴在耳朵上應該會有點嚇人的培根耳環。 小編個人覺Too Many Cooks Watch Full Episodes: SUBSCRIBE: About Adult Swim: Adult Swim is your late-night home for......


Police: 6-year-old boy 'kidnapped' for being too nice to strangers - CNN.com放暑假啦,回到家裡飯來張口衣來伸手,倒突然有點懷念起上課時候三天兩頭造訪的快遞小哥來。 現在的快遞哥,要是不會賣萌裝傻掉節操的技能,感覺都快混不下去了,他們之中,有霸道總裁,有賢妻良母……一起來盤點一下那些神一般的快遞小哥們吧。……&helli(CNN)A 6-year-old boy in Missouri endured an emotional four-hour staged kidnapping because his family thought he was being too nice to people he didn't know, police said Thursday. The four people involved in the alleged plot -- the boy's mother, grandmoth...


Sorry, Vegans: Brussels Sprouts Like to Live, Too 女兒阿~你怎麼這麼不小心!丈夫看完女兒日志後怒罵妻子,日志上面寫著:「今日王叔叔來我家玩媽媽,說做完作業後,可以吃點心。然後,王叔叔夸我作業做得好,於是叔叔抱起了我媽媽,叫叔叔小心一點,之後叔叔又親了我媽媽,也親了我奶奶,也親了我。」妻看完日志怒斥女兒。女兒哭道:「爸爸,我把標點符號點錯了。」應該I stopped eating pork about eight years ago, after a scientist happened to mention that the animal whose teeth most closely resemble our own is the pig. Unable to shake the image of a perky little pig flashing me a brilliant George Clooney smile, I decide...
