Leigh Newman - Things I'm Too Stubborn to Tell My Mother 愛跑步的人無所不在,最近更是掀起了一股路跑潮流,千萬不要懷疑人類無窮無盡的創造力,接下來你將會從這些經典的路跑活動中看見許多「瘋狂」的身影! 是的,愛參加路跑的朋友們,你們絕對是最獨特的,也是最...瘋狂的!似乎在現代生活中,路跑活動永遠都不嫌花俏、永遠都不嫌沒梗,只要有這群瘋狂的運動家們,路跑活1. Regarding the broken Art Deco hand mirror in the bathroom: I broke it. I apologize. There were only two of us living in our house, you and me. Who did I think I was fooling with that ghost story? 2. I too now say "you're plucking my nerves" to my child...