top 10 2013

10 Great Places to Live, 2013-Kiplinger - Personal Finance News, Investing Advice, Business Forecast   作者的話:新年快樂!!很久不見了,因為懶惰所以片拍很慢,呵呵下下禮拜要學測,我都在拍片,前途渺茫啊..Anyway,希望你們喜歡這部影片,這是我第一次用樂高拍片,感覺挺新奇用了三個月的時間,拍了大約5000張照片.這部我想實現的概念是"別停下來",所以和我的舊片比較,這部片裡的玩具基We found ten small to midsize cities with good jobs, affordable homes and plenty to do indoors and out. ... What makes a city a great place to live? By our definition, good jobs, reasonably priced homes, decent schools, great health care and manageable si...


Top 50 Hindi Film Songs of 2013 | Media Musings這是原圖   這是可愛的美眉圖 你喜歡哪個?  (有的是來亂的嗎??) The Top 50 Songs post from 2011 & 2012 have remained by far the most searched and most read report on this blog over the last two years. So here's the 2013 version to continue the tradition. Given below is the ranking of the Top 50 songs of 2013, based on...


World Thinkers 2013 | Prospect MagazineAfter more than 10,000 votes from over 100 countries, the results of Prospect’s world thinkers 2013 poll are in. Online polls often throw up curious results, but this top 10 offers a snapshot of the intellectual trends that dominate our age. THE WINNERS 1...


The Top 1000 Baby Names of 2013, United States of America | Baby Name Wizard Official Social Security Administration list of the most popular baby names in America in 2013. The 2012 rankings are in parentheses for comparison. For local popularity, visit The Most Popular Names by State. For International baby name popularity, visit...
