10 Great Places to Live, 2013-Kiplinger - Personal Finance News, Investing Advice, Business Forecast 厚頭龍屬又名腫頭龍,顧名思義,它們具有厚厚的顱頂,這讓古生物學家長期以來一直困惑不已。“鱷魚具有用頭部撞擊的行為,許多鳥類中也觀察到啄擊的現像,”威斯康辛大學地質學教授約瑟夫・彼得森說,“厚頭龍的顱頂或許也是適應這種行為而演化出來的。”一些研究者認為We found ten small to midsize cities with good jobs, affordable homes and plenty to do indoors and out. ... What makes a city a great place to live? By our definition, good jobs, reasonably priced homes, decent schools, great health care and manageable si...