Top Ten Positive Songs ~ Let's start the conversation on Positive Music! | Positive Imperative小山:「我覺得你跟我小時候的個性好像喔! 」 大雄:「是嗎?跟你小時候一樣可愛嗎?」 小山:「不是啦!我小時候最喜歡說謊囉!」 大雄:「……。」某日,開著名牌跑車的闊少爺在公路上超速,被一個警察攔了下來。 闊少爺很不情願的把車停了下來,很不耐煩的說Let’s start the conversation on Positive Music! So if you looked at my old Facebook profile, some of these songs have been on my fave list for quite a while. Context gives meaning to this list of top ten positive songs, as I’m sure we will be building man...