Convert atm to torr - Conversion of Measurement Units 你們熟悉了,開始你找她,她找你, 在看電影時,你會想碰碰她的手, 排隊時,你會想拉拉她的肩, 喝咖啡時,你開始找一些親暱的話題, 用餐時,你會想切塊牛肉用你的叉子餵給她吃, 逛街時口渴買飲料,你會希望她喝不完而跟你共享一杯奶茶。 再來你學會,心情不Quickly convert atmospheres into torrs (atm to torr) using the online calculator for metric conversions and more. ... More information from the unit converter How many atm in 1 torr? The answer is 0.00131578935941. We assume you are converting between atm...