杜雷斯創意廣告 未成年不能點喔
IP, Internet Protocol - Network Sorcery 杜蕾斯超級精彩的趣味創意廣告,這個東西一般是有生活的人才能看懂,小朋友們應該不太知道,不解釋,自己領悟吧~ 1.阿杜啊!我家的小蝌蚪們啊… 2.杜蕾斯帶給你“安全”。 3.“100%絕育”。所以文明毀滅了?這個圈子繞的有點unused. 2 bits. TOS, Type of Service. 8 bits. Obsoleted by the Differentiated Services field. This field specifies the parameters for the type of service requested. The parameters may be utilized by networks to define the handling of the datagram during t...