太狂 Benz居然開始造飛機了
Toshiba Direct | Portege R830 Laptops & Notebooks 德系頂級品牌Benz的觸角越深越廣,除了不斷地從入門款A-Class一直到頂級品牌MAYBACH車系的極具開發、跨界用盡巧思,企圖囊跨各種消費能力的客層的企圖心讓人見識到Benz車廠的實力。 但他們的野心不止於此,近日Benz決定將跟遊艇廠商合作製造Arrow 460 GranturYour select model may not have all the features, ports, or other items corresponding to those shown on the image. Please see detailed specifications for more information. ... Built-in DVD Drive Don't trade convenience for portability. Many laptops like th...