[F1專題] 冠軍車隊報名費創史上新高
Toto SW574#01 Washlet S300e Toilet Seat-Elongated with ewater+, Cotton - - Amazon.com▲甜蜜的負擔?連續蟬聯六屆總冠軍,讓Mercedes六年來總共付出將近3,000萬美元的報名費。 跟所有比賽一樣,F1也要繳交報名費,但身為世界最高昂的賽車,F1的年度報名費也非常高昂,2019年蟬聯六連霸的Mercedes就將在2020年付出將近550萬美元的報名費,相當於一名中游車手的年薪。 FYou want fixtures that can do it all with effortless beauty.Theres only one bath manufacturer that can deliver all of that-TOTO, a global leader committed to creating products that connect you with water in ways that enrich the flow of your everyday life....