巴黎時裝周 爭奇鬥艷場邊整理報導 Part 1
TouchPal X Keyboard, Feel the speed & have fun. 時尚的炫風持續席捲,這回到了法國巴黎這個時尚之都,在充滿人文以及藝術的環境之下,各大品牌紛紛使出渾身解數,將最新的時尚以及潮流帶到本季當中,而時裝周現場當然也是名人雲集,全世界時尚潮流人士齊聚一堂,讓人眼花撩亂。就讓我們來看看有哪些高超的穿搭術值得我們學習。 超高筒球鞋與多層次的穿搭表現下,表現個TouchPal – the Winner of Global Mobile Innovation Award. It's product TouchPal X Keyboard is a popular app featured by Google Play. With it normal users can easily reach 120 words/minute input speed. It's proven technology running on more than 100 million...