Toy Story 3 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia▲屍體示意圖(source:台中市消防局) 位在台北市鬧區的松山機場,近日發現一名陸籍男屍陳屍在附近的排水溝裡,警方到場研判男子已死亡多時,屍體僵硬,並從口袋中找到了他大陸籍的身份證件,警方表示他身上並沒有多餘的外傷,但令人匪夷所思的是臉上竟然帶著一抹微笑? 除了大陸身份證以外,男子身上還有多張台灣Toy Story 3 is a 2010 American 3D computer-animated comedy film, and the third film in the Toy Story series.[2] It was produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. Directed by Lee Unkrich, the screenplay was written by Michael...