PORTER 15SS打造星味 星光熠熠 新生代型男演員黃河 潛力女聲王詩安 時尚大師Roger等人
DRIVEN: 2014 Toyota Corolla Altis 2.0 V Malaysian review禁得起時間考驗是PORTER設計經典單品不變的語彙,簡約、耐用、手作工藝與經典時尚是PORTER INTERNATIONAL向來秉持的設計哲學。順應時尚潮流而生的PORTER,設計袋包、手錶進而衍生至全新眼鏡系列,引領著亞洲簡約流行風潮,今日舉辦2015春夏新品發表會,特別邀請型男柯震東與甜心名模王This is where we say farewell forever to drab, soft-edged Toyotas. With this new 2014 Toyota Corolla Altis, Japan’s biggest automaker has completed their personality transplant – started by the XV50 Camry and continued with the 2013 Vios – and aim for the...