toyota gt86 wrc

Toyota Motorsport GmbH - Yaris WRC   功能一....(可當後背包.搭配能力連當事者都忍不住.豎起大拇指) 功能二....(如果遇到相當緊急的時候.可當安全帽來留住你身上的鈔票 功能三....(可當裝可愛的...陽光美少男.....插個腰...陽光指數急速上升) 忘了說明由於考慮當事人的生命危險.......一律用蜘蛛人的TOYOTA will return to the FIA World Rally Championship (WRC) in 2017 with a car developed and built entirely at TOYOTA Motorsport GmbH’s Cologne technical centre. During 2015-2016 TOYOTA will continue its test programme with the Yaris WRC car to prepare ....


iscar!汽車網 - GT86要有『小弟』了!Toyota預計推出『更入門』的輕量6MT+FR小車 最近天氣冷颼颼!又濕又冷~想必早上上班上課的朋友一定格外辛苦吧~ 今天為了提振大家的士氣特別來個超KUSO的照片,給大家暖暖手熱熱身子啊! 原來小老鼠也會玩這種你嚇我,我嚇不倒你的遊戲啊= =isCar! GT86雖基於入門後驅車的定位而出,車價即使比同門FR車款也顯得便宜,但與Toyota原本期待的目標有明顯出入之下,日前也傳出Toyota將計畫再推出真正標榜入門、廉價的全新FR小車!因其不論售價、等級皆會比現行GT86明顯偏低,除了車重限制在1000kg ......


Toyota GT86 Car News - BBC Top Gear   這台很貴,不能給你啦!This website is made by BBC Worldwide. More about BBC Worldwide BBC Worldwide is a commercial company that is owned by the BBC (and just the BBC). No money from the licence fee was used to create this website. The profits we make from it go back to ......


2012 Toyota GT 86 Photo Gallery - Autoblog 跟大家打聲招呼喔!嗨!View detailed pictures that accompany our 2012 Toyota GT 86 article with close-up photos of exterior and interior features. ... Everybody loves a good dystopian story, right? From classics like Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit...


【トヨタ】WRC復帰!?ヤリス(ヴィッツ)WRカーがテスト走行【TOYOTA Yarisu WRC】 - YouTube 你敢坐嗎?トヨタがWRCへの復帰を思わせるテスト画像が公開されたそうです。WRCファンにと­って日本メーカのWRC復帰は嬉しい限りですが、ヴィッツですか......
