長得好衰的八字眉喵星人,生氣時看起來卻仍舊一臉哀傷的憂鬱小萌貓 ❤
Taiwan Railways Administration.MOTC~More Good Prices 原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:日本咩 英國大曼徹斯特地區最近出現了急速竄紅的8個月大的小貓咪 ▲好衰的臉哦~~~!!!XDDD 這一隻「憂慮小貓」(Concerned Kitten)叫做Gary 主人說靈感來自接招合唱團(Take That)中的蓋瑞巴洛 (Gary Barlow) ▲因為蓋Notes: This pass is only valid on the date of purchase.(without the issue date stamp is invalid) In the valid period of 1-Day Pass, it allows unlimited rides to take Local trains within Ruifang to Toucheng & Pingxi Line section. This pass can pay extra fa...