Traction motors and generators - Motors and Generators | ABB原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:咲櫻 萌友們還記得咲櫻上次介紹的 日本評選2016顏值最高的動漫女角排行榜~誰家的老婆上榜了啦?(上) >> http://acg.ad2iction.com/?p=76221 如果上次沒看到自己的老婆在榜上也別灰心 或許這次的上榜名單中就會有了 究竟顏值最高的動漫ABB offers complete traction motor and generator portfolio to build perfect solution – regardless of train type, power range or geographical location. ... Every train needs a unique motor or generator for its purpose. ABB holds a complete and flexible tra...