
Traction - definition of Traction in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, 之前在網路看過這麼一段話,(搜不著了,誰知道原作者是誰我補上來)   自己失敗了是自己不夠努力,別人失敗了是別人能力有限。自己成功了是自己實力強,別人成功了是別人運氣好。自己在錢包裡放套是保護自己,別人在錢包裡放套就是濫交。 …… 隨身戴套,說明他,願意在一段Traction Definition Traction is the use of a pulling force to treat muscle and skeleton disorders. Purpose Traction is usually applied to the arms and legs, the neck, the backbone, or the pelvis. It is used to treat fractures, dislocations, and long-durat...


traction - 購物搜尋結果 最近日本推出一款手機軟件,該軟件只有一種功能——還原美照修圖前的樣貌,一秒消除大頭貼、PS、美圖效果,將變大的眼睛、變尖的下巴、變滑的肌膚瞬間“打回原形”。 看看下面這些明星被打回原形是什麼樣子,你還喜歡他們麼?    看看女神A...


Traction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 男人總是怪女人太磨蹭,女人卻嫌男人太大咧。也許男人永遠也不能理解,女人何以能把一個廁所上那麼久! 這真是“尿不同不相與謀”! 男人如廁,只要有坑位,一分鐘必神速閃回。 男人如廁三部曲:1.進門2.幹正事3.焦躁不堪等待女友中 女人如廁N部曲: 1.進門2.仔細用紙墊好馬桶墊Traction may refer to:...


Traction (orthopedics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 據說這是男生一個人的時候會做的事,膝蓋已粉碎,我是一個人嗎?! 1. 沒事聞聞內內。 2. 聞聞衣服,或者應該說是看看如果臭了,才拿去洗。 3. 這條褲子真特麼臭,必須洗了。 4. 沒事聞聞腋下​​。 5. 聞聞腳。 6. 聞聞! 7. 聞聞。。丁丁! 8. 冰箱各種找吃的。 9. 這特麼啥時候的In orthopedic medicine, traction refers to the set of mechanisms for straightening broken bones or relieving pressure on the spine[1] and skeletal system. There are two types of traction: skin traction and skeletal traction....


Traction | Define Traction at 關於羞羞這件事,每個人都會羞於承認,但是絕對都幻想過。下面這三種羞羞事故,你曾經設想過嗎?在此,小編要大膽的承認,我躺槍了!    1、穿長裙騎自行車的美女,裙子被絞進車輪。裙子被絞碎,而“我”恰好裸體的出現在她摔落的地方。然後…&helltraction (ˈtrækʃən) —n 1. the act of drawing or pulling, esp by motive power 2. the state of being drawn or pulled 3. med the application of a steady pull on a part during healing of a fractured or dislocated bone, using a system of weights and pulleys or...


Traction-Talk 在街頭看到性感妹子背影,就會想繞到前面去偷看一下長相然後進行勾搭嗎?男淫們,以後可得注意。你也會遇到:後看想犯罪,前看想撤退! 1.披肩捲髮,齊屁小熱褲,熱辣小蠻腰,背影確實妖嬈嫵媚! 2.男淫們是不是按耐不住自己激動的心情。辣妹,來個正面啊!!! 3.臥槽,正面真是慘不忍睹.....說車禍現場簡This is the Traction-Talk discussion forum ... Welcome to the new Traction Talk Traction Talk is the Messageboard Dedicated to Road Steam Engines If you have an interest in Traction Engines, Minature Steam, Steam Engine Rallies or anything road steam rela...
