Audio Technica AT-HA5050H and HA22Tube - Head-Fi.org - Headphone forums and reviews for audiophiles 一、生命中註定有太多的離開 我們常說,人走茶涼。人離開了,但是茶還是茶,茶還在。生活也是這樣,我們每個人都會經歷認識一個人,建立關係,相互了解,成為朋友。然後有一天,他對你說,他要離開這裡了想去遠方看看。你是留他呢還是送他呢?無論你心中有多麼的不捨得,不願意,以至於有點分離性焦慮,你的努力在離開、Two latest products from Audio Technica made their appearance at the recent Hong Kong high-end A/V show - the HA5050H and HA22Tube. The HA5050H has a completely... ... Ok will do. Will post more picture later. If you're looking for line out, there is no l...