柴米油鹽哪裡買!? 溫哥華超市整理報告 Vancouver Grocery Shopping Part I 西人超市 - Vanlicious 探索溫哥華 (圖片翻攝自nai2) 在《殺死比爾2》中,Beatrix Kiddo被活埋後,用中國功夫從從自己的墳墓中逃了出來。被埋在6英呎(約1.8米)深的地下卻逃了出來,所需要的力量和毅力恐怕只會出現在他rantino(昆汀‧塔倫蒂諾,《殺死比爾》導演)的復仇女神身上。對於普通人來說,被活埋後逃出生天也並Costco is getting wayyyyyy too crowded these days. Ppl are agitated and impatient. They will push you out of the way to grab things on the shelf. We simply gave up and go to Trader Joe’s instead. It is like Whole Foods quality in Stupid Store prices. Lang...