The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky on Steam一個男人的告白:「男人都喜歡年輕貌美的女生,但戀愛跟婚姻是兩件事,男人也分得很清楚。」與自己年紀相仿的人戀愛,需要的是耐力;跟比自己年紀小的在一起,需要的是耐心。 人對抗不了地心引力,也抵擋不住時間,妳用最貴的保養品留住青春、報名瑜伽課程維持體態,妳拚命對抗著歲月必然會帶來的痕跡,但所有妳的不情願之What an adorable and progressive story. I think the best part about Trails in the Sky is that the people are people. They're not just archetypes. They're developed, with feelings, and personalities, and they are, with the exception of one, all very relate...