Trapped in the Closet – IFC - IFC - Always On Slightly Off source:kknews ▲最近日本新娘嫁給台灣人的話題貌似不斷 不知道各位網友對於日本新娘嫁來台灣這件事情感覺如何? 我相信會有很多人都說「日本女孩萌萌DER又愛撒嬌小女人超可愛!」 但是小編在這裡必須說這些可都是一般人對於日本女性的刻版印象而已! 原文連結 而最近因為新聞指出有駐台日本人分析R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet returns! The saga continues THIS FALL on IFC. ... Sylvester wakes up in the bed of a woman who is not his wife, unable to remember how he got there. When he tries to leave, his mystery mistress stops him at the door saying...