Trapped in the Closet – IFC - IFC - Always On Slightly Off32歲的幸田來未以性感形象走紅歌壇,近年來性感尺度已收斂不少,最近她卻被爆料疑似在出道成名前拍過AV,網路上還有看起來「神似」她演出的AV畫面。 32歲的幸田來未以性感形象走紅歌壇,已為人母的她,近年來性感尺度已收斂不少,最近她卻被爆料疑似在出道成名前拍過AV,網路上還有看起來「神似」她演出的AV畫R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet returns! The saga continues THIS FALL on IFC. ... Sylvester wakes up in the bed of a woman who is not his wife, unable to remember how he got there. When he tries to leave, his mystery mistress stops him at the door saying...