
Travertson, Inc. ▲超煩垃圾鴿竟然入侵現實啦!(sourse : 左 besthappynewyear,右 youtube) 最近大家是不是在FB上每篇文章、每個討論區都看到這隻超煩的鴿子呢?這隻由美國藝術家Syd Weiler所創作的臉書貼圖垃圾鴿(Trash Doves)已經席捲全球,尤其是其中甩頭的動態貼圖更A concept motorcycle that was built and you can buy today? Yes. Travertson custom builds the coolest motorcycles in the world. ... Once again, our genius many hat wearer, very creative Christian designed something different... unique... really cool and re...


重型機車綜合(250cc以上) - TRAVERTSON V-REX在台售價 - 機車討論區 - Mobile01作者:英國那些事兒   原文標題:他用盡畢生積蓄買了塊地,為了考古夢想啃老十二年,還真挖出一座古城!   今天我們要說一個狂熱歷史迷的故事......   Stuart Wilson,是南威爾士一個狂熱的歷史迷, 今年已經37歲。 而要說在他生命前半輩子裡最大的成就..各位大大.. 小弟我目前手頭有兩百萬現金,非常鍾意TRAVERTSON V-REX,有去問重機店是否有賣TRAVERTSON V-REX 店家老闆有些還不知道這車款,想去北部或是南部訂購但不知道價位大概多少又怕被店家坑,所以想請問各位大大這台TRAVERTSON V-REX在台售價 ......


Custom Motorcycles for Sale with Custom Paint, Seats and Parts作者:英國那些事兒   原文標題:一個無人問津的破舊老莊園,愣被這哥倆打造成炙手可熱的豪宅... 我是佩服的   今天故事的主人,是一對兄弟倆--哥哥Evans,弟弟Omar,都才三十出頭~   兄弟倆自幼在威爾士長大,一直想買一套能喚醒童年記憶的威爾士洋房,可是怎麼找Custom Motorcycles for Sale with Custom Paint, Seats and Parts by private owners. Custom motorcycle classfieds. ... Getting to see and admire the custom paint jobs on motorcycles that come through our accessory and paint shop is one of the perks of my job...


Dell and NVIDIA Workstations | NVIDIA source:livedoor ▲被塞爆的台大體育館 如果有網友有涉略COSER界或者略知一二的話可能就知道這篇在講什麼了一些超有名的coser可不只台灣,有許多人為了專門拍「日本coser」可是不惜飛去日本的啊!而現在最有名的日本coser是誰?很多人可能會說是「伊織萌(伊織もえ)」 Dell and NVIDIA Workstation Solutions Professionals who strive to design, animate, render and edit need to select the right tools for the job, including choosing the right hardware technology to reliably run complex software applications. Workstation appl...


HONDA VALKYRIE RUNE NRX 1800 - YouTube作者:英國那些事兒  原文標題:那些年,美國機場安檢裡繳獲的違禁品,這才知道神馬叫大開眼界!   話說,美國的運輸安全署(TSA),主要負責美國各個機場的安檢工作....  他們有個官方的Instragm帳號 @TSA ,裡面po的全都是他們在各個機場的安檢處繳獲的各種This feature is not available right now. Please try again later....


10 Crazy Concept Bikes To Ride In Future - YouTube ▲英國少年用「超奸詐」的技巧混到演唱會後台!(sourse : boredpanda,下同) 當你買到心愛樂團的演唱會門票,卻因為晚到而站在視角超爛的位置,這時你會怎麼做?拼命往前擠?還是就認命待在原地?英國有位少年的選擇是:混進VIP區,而且絲毫不花一分錢就辦到了!根據boredpanda分享,Top 10 coolest concept bikes/motorbikes for future!!! These are some of the fastest bikes and most expensive bikes in the world.The future in bikes may already be here, at least on paper. We've found the most interesting Modern Concept Bikes the world has...
