Aston Martin『跨界跑旅DBX』最快4年內亮相,DB血統接班人『DB11』展前曝光
Use iTunes to trim music and sound files - Mac OS X HintsisCar! Aston Martin官方宣布即將斥資2億英鎊(約94.7億元新台幣),在英國南威爾斯St Athan建設占地90英畝的新廠房。自2017年起開始動工,2020年正式啟用。 據外媒Carscoops報導,Aston Martin即將在這間新廠房生產量產版的DBX跨界跑旅。Aston If you encode from a lossy format like MP3 or AAC to another lossy format you will generally see a degradation in the sound quality. I wouldn't really reccomend this hint if your original sound files are of low quality like 128k or even 256k. [ Reply to T...