Use iTunes to trim music and sound files - Mac OS X Hints一個好的演員應該對演技發揮的淋漓盡致,即便是激情戲也當遊刃有餘,但有時候卻會碰到尷尬事,比如在與演對手戲的女星拍激情戲時,總控制不住自己的身體,會出現本能的生理反應,令自己和搭檔都尷尬之極。今天我們就來盤點娛樂圈拍激情戲有生理反應的10大男星。1.阮經天阮經天在新劇《軍中樂園》中與萬茜有一場露骨的床If you encode from a lossy format like MP3 or AAC to another lossy format you will generally see a degradation in the sound quality. I wouldn't really reccomend this hint if your original sound files are of low quality like 128k or even 256k. [ Reply to T...