Tron: Legacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 世間之慘,莫過於此。 現在家屬和醫院各執一詞。 醫院說已經建議實施剖腹產手術,產婦甚至下跪懇求家屬,家屬依舊堅持順產; 家屬則說,是醫生建議順產,「進去檢查後說馬上就該生了,不需要剖腹產」。 按照網絡定律,這事還會翻轉再翻轉,一地雞毛。 為了推卸自己的責任,他們爭得口水橫飛。鍵盤俠們仿佛擁有最終裁Jeff Bridges as Kevin Flynn / CLU, the former CEO of ENCOM International and creator of the popular arcade game Tron based on his own experiences in ENCOM's virtual reality. He disappeared in 1989 while developing "a digital frontier that will reshape the...