一位傷透心的男子自白:我的真愛,就這樣輸給了一次舒服的一夜情.... 網路瘋傳文章)
TRY | PINK (Jayesslee Cover) - YouTube 和她在一起七年了,我們是相親認識的,他是我嬸嬸同學的女兒。我們的認識,是因雙方父母的執著。也就是這次相見,成就了我們長達七年的愛情,後來由於種種原因,我們最終還是分開了。其實原本之前,我們對彼此是很滿意的,她對我很好,因為我喜歡吃什麼,她就會學著下廚做給我吃。而我是做企劃的,長時間坐辦公室,久而久This one goes out to all those who are feeling a little burnt and hopeless. You gotta get up and try and try and try. There is also a very special announcement at the end and don't forget to click on the video to see more! We love you guys more than you c...