tto oil seal

Welcome to Tai Tsuang Oil Seal Industry Co., Ltd.----Longest History of Oil Seals Manufacturing in T 2005年10月的一天,3個月大的馬修被爸媽帶著在香港坐地鐵,BB對著爸媽大show吐舌頭、扮鬼臉,把乘坐同一列地鐵的名導陳木勝惹得哈哈大笑。陳木勝主動前來邀請,稱自己正在拍電影,邀請BB去試鏡。沒想到,連續3次試鏡,BB不哭不鬧,還不停在鏡頭前扮鬼臉,最終在1000多名試鏡BB中脫穎而出,陳導由Exporter & manufacturer of oil seal, longest history of oil seals manufacturing in Taiwan. ... Originally based on technical joint venture with Japanese oil seal company, we continue to research new compounds for all applications....


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