turing award

Turing Award - Official Site “春宵壹刻值千金,花有清香月有陰。歌管樓臺聲細細,鞦韆院落夜沈沈。”這是北宋著名詩人蘇軾壹首膾炙人口的七絕。 “春宵壹刻值千金”,對於普天之下尋常的黎民百姓是如此,而對於那些“壹朝選入君王側”皇後嬪妃也概莫能外。尤其是那些入選The A.M. Turing Award, ACM's most prestigious technical award, is given for major contributions of lasting importance to computing. ... Michael Stonebraker, Pioneer in Database Systems Architecture, Receives 2014 ACM Turing Award Michael Stonebraker is .....


A.M. Turing Award Winners by Year     世界上最完美的人生是:“住英國房子,吃中國食品,拿美國工資,還有一點就是娶日本女人。”說起日本女人,全世界的男人(即使很“反日”的)都會認為她們賢惠柔順。我們在很多電影裡看到的日本妻子是這樣的:清晨五六點起床準備丈夫的早餐ACM (www.acm.org) is widely recognized as the premier organization for computing professionals, delivering a broad array of resources that advance the computing and IT disciplines, enable professional development, and promote policies and research that be...


Turing Award | computer science award | Britannica.com 男人最討厭女人的10個習慣 No.10洗澡 上榜理由:早晚各一次費水費氣 每天洗澡是為了保持個人衛生。但為什麼有些女人一天要洗兩個澡?更有甚者,聽說關之琳關美人每天至少洗3次。這就令人難以理解了:你說她有潔癖吧,可她去路邊攤吃臭豆腐吃得比誰都香;你說是咱這兒環境質量太差吧,她早上忽悠著去跑步呼吸新Turing Award, in full A.M. Turing Award, annual award given by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), a professional computing society founded in 1947, to one or more individuals “selected for contributions of a technical nature made to the comput...


Leslie Lamport Receives Turing Award - Microsoft Research那些給前任們的機智簡訊。一些傷感,一些解恨...             On March 18, Leslie Lamport of Microsoft Research was rewarded for his outstanding contributions to computer science when the Association for Computing Machinery announced him as the recipient of computing’s greatest honor, the A.M. Turing Award....


ACM Awards 女生們總是在出門前會花一些時間在化妝上,為的就是讓自己更漂亮,化妝往往能讓灰姑娘公主,因此無論是在網路上或是電視節目中,都有許多化妝前後差別的比較,化妝技術日益進步,不僅能夠讓氣色更好,有些更能夠達到「整型」的效果,現在竟然還能夠「變性」? 在 Youtube 上最近流行的一個名為「 Men TrACM Awards Honor Computing Innovators Who are Changing the World Recipients Extended Core Computing Concepts and Resources across International Boundaries ACM has recognized the vision and achievement of two leaders who have transformed the way ......


Turing test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 情侶出遊,是不是你總是要替女朋友拍下美照呢? 來自海外兩位攝影師情侶 Peter Sedlacik 與 Zuzu Galova 的作品 Lens Between Us ,就在這一對情侶出遊之時,各持一台相機拍下同一幕的風景,並同時展出,不僅展現十足的情感,也可以看到同一時空當中的不同角度The Turing test is a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human. Alan Turing proposed that a human evaluator would judge natural language conversations between a human and a machin...
