turing award

Turing Award - Official Site 豆豆先生陪我們笑了幾十年,很多人定位他就是那麼一個角色。其實他當然也演過其它角色,而且通過網友PS,你會發現他演別的角色也毫無違和感!   和原版相比,別有一番氣質   比小賈斯汀更有男人味   哈利波特大,別有個性   笑容有時候比利爪更具殺傷力 &nbsThe A.M. Turing Award, ACM's most prestigious technical award, is given for major contributions of lasting importance to computing. ... Michael Stonebraker, Pioneer in Database Systems Architecture, Receives 2014 ACM Turing Award Michael Stonebraker is .....


A.M. Turing Award Winners by Year       本文獲得微信公眾號帶你遊遍美國 weloveusa 授權,原始標題:跟丈夫抱怨沒地方化妝,這個丈夫做了件事,網友們贊得停不下來了...   對於自己女朋友或者老婆每天花很多時間化妝這事,估計很多男人都是持有負面情緒吧... &ACM (www.acm.org) is widely recognized as the premier organization for computing professionals, delivering a broad array of resources that advance the computing and IT disciplines, enable professional development, and promote policies and research that be...


Turing Award | computer science award | Britannica.com 這樣的科技發明 才叫改變世界   事情是這麼一個情況——   在米國有一對老夫婦。   Scott Brusaw 和Julie Brusaw 。     男主Scott Brusaw是一名工程師。   大家都知道的Turing Award, in full A.M. Turing Award, annual award given by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), a professional computing society founded in 1947, to one or more individuals “selected for contributions of a technical nature made to the comput...


Leslie Lamport Receives Turing Award - Microsoft Research 話說,國外一些父母向來比較熱衷以各種創意方式向自己的親朋好友揭曉自己即將出生的孩子的性別   例如,切個蛋糕,裡面如果是藍色,就是男孩,粉紅,就是女孩..   又或者戳個氣球,看裡面彩帶的顏色...   但今天要說這對父母,為了這件事,真的拼了...   有On March 18, Leslie Lamport of Microsoft Research was rewarded for his outstanding contributions to computer science when the Association for Computing Machinery announced him as the recipient of computing’s greatest honor, the A.M. Turing Award....


ACM Awards ▲(source:nova919,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 相信大家都有去過動物園的經驗吧?雖然動物園裡的動物平常都不容易見到,但還是有人認為去看動物是一件很無聊的事,但是「看動物」真的會無聊嗎?可能是你們沒看見「重點」罷了XD 根據nova919報導,這裡有7張大家「就算再去動ACM Awards Honor Computing Innovators Who are Changing the World Recipients Extended Core Computing Concepts and Resources across International Boundaries ACM has recognized the vision and achievement of two leaders who have transformed the way ......


Turing test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  真正的成長, 不是語數外的能力, 而是成為獨立的自己。   別人的老爸   「你是你女兒的引導, 你要帶她到自然中去, 這樣能給她的生命帶來能量。」   幾年前, 一個長者指着瑪雅圖騰標識, 這麼告訴步恩撒, 於是,他開始帶着女兒 滿世界「自討苦吃」, 這The Turing test is a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human. Alan Turing proposed that a human evaluator would judge natural language conversations between a human and a machin...
