Turing Machines (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)有一個人叫做王八德。有一天,奶奶生病了,於是他寫了一封信給奶奶。信上說:「親愛的奶奶,聽說您生病了,請不要沒事隨便下床。敬愛您的王八德。]因為不會寫奶奶,病,床及德這幾個字,於是用o代替。由於奶奶看不清楚字,請鄰居唸。鄰居以為o是蛋的意思,結果.......唸唸看吧!……1. A Definition of Turing Machines A Turing machine is a kind of state machine. At any time the machine is in any one of a finite number of states. Instructions for a Turing machine consist in specified conditions under which the machine will transition b...