turn it up歌詞

Turn! Turn! Turn! Lyrics - Byrds1.某天晚上七點三十九分,捷運中山站廣播:各位旅客請注意,剛才在詢問處加值的旅客,請把盤子還回來,謝謝。是誰把人家放錢盤子拿走啦~~快拿去還人家吧~@@~~~ 2.上車後駕駛員廣播:「各位旅客請注意,當列車進站時,請勿超越黃色警戒線,以免發生危險, 尤其是剛剛那位穿橘色鞋子的先生,知道你的Lyrics to Turn! Turn! Turn! by Byrds: To everything, turn, turn, turn. / There is a season, turn, turn, turn. / And a time to every purpose ... To everything, turn, turn, turn. There is a season, turn, turn, turn. And a time to every purpose under heaven....
