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Life’s Good with LG如果說高跟鞋是腳尖上的建築,可能大多數設計師都有此同感。前有以超現代風格出名的United Nude,今天則有鞋類設計師Silvia Fado 利用液壓活塞和橡膠球帶來的高跟鞋設計,試圖為那些腳穿高跟鞋如同在刀尖上行走的女士們帶來更舒適的穿著。 “現在的高跟鞋大多因為時尚而犧牲了功能。”SilviaLG is pursuing its vision of becoming the top global consumer electronics and appliance company with solutions that can change the landscape of the markets. The ultimate goal of these strategies is to add values for our employees, customers and shareholde...


VIERA | Plasma&LCD TV | Panasonic Global如今有越來越多的品牌開始追求一種類似赤腳的穿著體驗,而日本設計師Satsuki Ohata在近日打造的便鞋也有著異曲同工之妙。使用者只需把腳放入溶有 PVC原料的液體中,然後熱風烘乾,即可製成一雙鞋子,並且像皮膚一樣完全適應你的腳型。因為整個過程猶如融化又凝固的奶酪,所以Satsuki Ohata將This is your gateway to the latest and most complete information on Panasonic VIERA LED and plasma TVs straight from the Head Office in Japan. Panasonic Smart VIERA TVs combine advanced Smart TV functions, such as Swipe & Share, with easy operation ......


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Canceled TV shows | Last episodes | TV Series Finale台灣街頭的男士穿著向來不以「紳士服Style」讓人留下深刻印象,但其實相較於休閒感的潮流男裝,能夠好好地穿出一身時髦紳士樣的優雅男士們,更容易讓人過目難忘。 於是一場由人氣部落格「頂級宅男 & Office DANDY」版主Brian所發起的「Suit Walk 紳士裝起義」活動正式登場,在台北熱鬧TV series cancelled + last episodes. Has your TV show been canceled or renewed? ... TV Show News Archer: Season Six Ratings Fans of Archer don’t have to worry about their TV show being cancelled for awhile. It was renewed for a …...
