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TVB - Broadcaster Briefing - TVB Website - Welcome 許多七年級生已在社會工作多年,以前常被稱為草莓的族群,在國人認知中,覺得七年級生何時進入婚姻是合適的呢?波仕特線上市調網調查國人認為七年級生在幾歲結婚較為合理,有41%的國人認為25-29歲是合理的年齡,也有32%的國人認為30-34歲較為合理,顯示在大多數人認知中,這個世代的理想結婚年齡有延後的Variety: CBS Will Live-Stream Super Bowl Ads in Big Move for Media Industry For nearly half a century, the only way for the average consumer to see all the glitzy commercials that accompanied the Super Bowl was to watch a broadcast of the game on televisi...
