換臉新氣象Honda HR-V 1.8 S
TVU networks | TVUPack Index雖然這次小改款車型沒有Turbo引擎的加持,也沒有所期待的Honda Sensing,但藉由外型的修改與內裝質感的提昇,再加上原有的靈活車室空間運用以及沉穩好開的駕馭性等特點,整體的產品魅力還是頗吸引人的。 圖 顧宗濤 Honda HR-V 1.8 S ●建議售價 84萬元 ●平均油耗 TVU MARC-1 Introducing the MARC-1, an exterior use and water resistant enclosure that extends the performance of the TM8200 by giving field crews the ability to move the system's detachable 3G/4G cellular modem module to ideal locations for optimal ......