Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia某夜,丈夫想與美女妻子親熱,妻子指了指身旁睡著的孩子說:“孩子醒著呢。” 丈夫說:“這?長時間了,肯定睡著了,不信我來試試。” 他拿了個五分硬幣放到孩子半張開的手中想看孩子有沒有反應。 只聽到孩子大?不悅的聲音:“五分錢就想辦這?大的事情?"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" is a popular English lullaby. The lyrics are from an early 19th-century English poem, "The Star" by Jane Taylor. The poem, which is in couplet form, was first published in 1806 in Rhymes for the Nursery, a collection of poe...