
Nintendo Fans Are Losing It Over Twintelle, Arms' New ...   學姊其實人也沒有很壞,還讓你去嘮賽XDDDD   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Dcard原文 今天烙賽很多次 所以想起這件事情來分During last night’s Nintendo Direct, a few new characters for Arms were revealed. In particular, the internet loves Twintelle, because, well, she’s kinda thicc. All of the characters for Arms, Nintendo’s upcoming fighting game for the Switch, have been re...


Twintelle | Nintendo | FANDOM powered by Wikia要看看你旁邊的男性是否是同性,看看他手機有沒有Grindr就知道,全台灣最帥的男孩都集中在這裡,要身材有身材,要臉蛋有臉蛋,姊妹腐女們只能望梅止渴,不過Grindr上的廝殺可不輸後宮甄環傳,照片只是第一步,重要的是約出來以後。 ↓看對眼就快出來面對啦!不然下一秒不知道馬上就被哪個婊弟給把走Twintelle is a playable character from ARMS. She is a movie star and uses the ARMS in her hair... ... Appearance and Personality Twintelle is a dark-skinned woman with white hair and pink highlights. The hair is two ARMS arranged like pigtails....


Twintelle - ARMS for Nintendo Switch - Abilities, StageisCar! Porsche(保時捷)二代Cayenne從2010發表至今已餘5年,已經是準備邁入大改更新的末期產品。新世代Cayenne預計在2017年發表,並以福斯集團最新的MLB Evo模組化底盤平台來打造(已用於打造奧迪Q7),車重最多將比現行車款還少上100kg,把全車淨重壓在1950kgFighters come to blows in front of this giant theater belonging to Twintelle herself! If that wasn't impressive enough, she's filled the fan-shaped plaza with luxury cars from her personal collection. Don't be shy about jumping on them during battle—she's...


What Nintendo gets wrong with Twintelle, the new WOC fighter ...   捕獲兩位小鮮肉!!!!! 原po其實也蠻帥的,只是錯再站在你朋友旁邊.....   ------------------------ 原文連結 哈囉~大家好~ P.S 這位朋友還是學生喔不是警察古語云:「什麼事情都有第一次」 而這第一次往往又來的讓人心情舒爽的不得了你們知道Twintelle, a newly announced character in Nintendo's boxing title Arms, may be the latest video game "It girl." But there's always someone who isn't feeling the latest thing causing a stir on the internet — and sometimes that's me. When I first saw Twinte...


Twintelle (@Twintelle_ARMS) | Twitter 出了社會以後,什麼都會考慮到麵包 這樣的愛情要好好把握啊!! ------------------------------------------------------- Dcard 原文:「回覆更新」妳開著車,我騎著車前陣子很夯的「花千骨」完結後有了以下的說法白子畫有十顆糖,卻只給了小骨一顆東The latest Tweets from Twintelle (@Twintelle_ARMS). #Twintelle #ARMS #NintendoSwitch #SwitcheShop #Nintendo ... Tweet with a location You can add location information to your Tweets, such as your city or precise location, from the web and via third-party ...


Twintelle - ARMS Institute, the ARMS Wiki 這果然是真愛啊.... 原po形容的味道連我都能想像到了,這樣也可以有女朋友  要單身的人情何以堪!!!XD ----------------------------靠北男友原文:我男友有很嚴重體味我該如何跟他溝通!我和男友交往半年都35歲!前2個月交往他都會打扮噴香水!但第三個月開始沒Appearance [] Twintelle is a human with dark/brown skin and extendable ARMS made of hair. Unlike most fighters, she has normal human arms in addition to her extendable ARMS. She has aqua eyes with magenta eyelashes, white hair with pink highlights worn in...
