two in one 冰淇淋

Ice cream - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▲第一張照片的真相就讓許多網友笑翻。(source:comedycentral,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 很多情侶都認為和自己的男朋友或女朋友拍一張放閃的照片是很有趣的事情,但如果你沒有另外一半的話,那該怎麼放閃呢? 別擔心!根據comedycentral報導,有一名台灣男子名叫When Italian duchess Catherine de' Medici married the Duke of Orléans (Henry II of France) in 1533, she is said to have brought with her to France some Italian chefs who had recipes for flavoured ices or sorbets. One hundred years later, Charles I of Engl...


Ice Cream Journal 中國雞年這事在美國的熱度從未減少,這兩天關於“上海雞”就出了個大新聞! 對,沒錯就是它! 看照片好像就是只普通的雞.....   不過你仔細看!這隻雞身壯如牛,雞爪就像腳蹼!   靜則威風凜凜,動則地動山搖! 身長1米2,體重16斤...   One match-up is in the books in our annual Ultimate Iced Tea Tournament, and yesterday’s match-up is still underway. The tournament continues with another tough showdown today. Today’s competition features two organic flavors and two fan favorites — Orang...


Ben & Jerry's - Official Site VAG集團的Skoda,近期發表Superb新年式版本,這兩台車分別是Super Sportline、Superb2.0 TDI,讓車系更完整,Skoda Sportline 搭載2.0 TSI引擎,最大馬力可達220匹,最大扭力則是35.7kgm,0-100km加速只需要7秒鐘,極速可達245公All natural ice cream, frozen yogurt and sorbet. Overnight delivery. Includes company information, consumer help, and job openings....


One if by Land Two If by Sea事情是這樣的。不久之前,旅行網站Momondo製作了一個視頻叫《DNA之旅》,在全球引起了轟動。       我也不知道一個旅行網站怎麼就搞上DNA了。總之,主創邀請67個來自世界各地的志願者參與了一個DNA測試。   當然在實驗開始之前,每個人都先回答了 「One if by Land, Two if by Sea LOCATED IN THE HEART OF THE WEST VILLAGE 17 Barrow Street between 7th Ave So. + W 4th St. email: tel: 212 255 8649 OPEN FOR DINNER Sunday – Thursday 5:30 – 9:30 Friday & Saturday 5:15 – 11 ......


Glasgow Ice Cream Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▲童顏巨乳?(source:twitter,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 西方的外國人常常看不出來東方人的真實年齡,但身為東方人的我們來看就覺得還滿容易的,然而事實真的是如此嗎? 只是最近在日本的2ch討論區卻出現了一個網友提出了一個問題,他表示他貼的照片中有兩位女生,其中一位是11The Glasgow Ice Cream Wars was a turf war in the East End of Glasgow in Scotland in the 1980s between rival criminal organisations selling drugs[1][2] and stolen goods[1] from ice cream vans. Van operators were involved in frequent violence and intimidati...


How to make homemade ice cream in a baggie.話說,有一部電影給看過的人們留下的印象應該非常深刻...   這部電影名字叫做「陰齒」(Teeth),估計很多老司機從字面就懂什麼意思了。       這部恐怖劇情片是由Mitchell Lichtenstein執導,Jess Weixler 主演。We tried it and it was so yummy! We added blackberries to one and peaches to another. The peach one didn't set up so well, so next time we will add after. My husband cheated a little and put the baggies in a small drink cooler. Him and my daughter sat dow...
