昆凌舊照疑似被曝光 進化3部曲
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-TX55: 16 megapixels and 3D | Digital Trends 近日一張疑似昆凌整容前舊照曝光,令周杰倫未婚妻女友昆凌整容的傳聞再度甚囂塵上,不少網友在看到昆凌整容前舊照之後,還提供了昆凌進化3部曲圖片,揭開了昆凌整容過程。昆凌究竟有沒有整容還未有明確答案,不過網友曝光的昆凌進化3部曲圖片卻煞有其事的樣子,來圍觀一下吧!自從先後被拍到與周杰倫約會的正面照背面照Although smartphones and other mobile devices are pretty much the dominant devices in casual photography these days, camera companies are still aiming to prove stand-alone cameras have a lot to offer. Sony’s latest effort is the Cyber-shot DSC-TX55, offer...