Monster Hunter Frontier G TW English Information 東方看胸西方看臀,這一位美臀達人,她不僅擁有魅惑的臉龐,火辣的身材更是會讓你目瞪口呆啊,一起來看看吧! 瑞典竄起一位網路紅人,Ines Helene憑著她火辣的S曲線和媲美翹臀名媛金·卡戴珊的絕世豐臀,在網路上擁有高人氣。 她擁有167公分65公斤,38F的好身材,叫她新一代美臀王絕Try them all out! You start with one of each weapon type allowing you try all the weapons to at least get a feel of them. The weapons can be roughly broken down to: Fast Cutting Sword and Shield Dual Swords Long Sword Slower Cutting Great Sword Lance Gunl...