最近這隻披著羊皮的泰迪喵火了... 這一切,居然源於一隻流浪貓...
Maxpedition Typhoon Day Pack Review - YouTube 話說,前幾天有隻喵在外網火了... 就是下面這個小傢伙... 一隻「披着羊皮」的喵... 全身上下的毛都是小波浪卷... 連鬍子都是卷的... 網友紛紛表示:這是我第一次看到這種捲毛貓... 所以,難道是主人去給喵咪燙了捲髮? no no nWe take a look at the Maxpedition Typhoon. This pack makes an excellent get home bag for keeping in the car. Also is great for day hiking or short trips to the woods. Support my channel when you buy this product on Amazon: http://livingsurvival.invirament...