[2020台北車展十大必看] 四代目現身Ford Focus ST Wagon
TSN Stock Price & News - Tyson Foods Inc. Cl A - Wall Street Journal●2.3 Ecoboost渦輪引擎 ●280hp最大馬力 ●單一手自排變速箱配置 ●0~100km/h加速6秒 ●預接單價 136.9萬元 如果要說今年哪部車的熱度最高,Ford Focus肯定是其中之一,除了Level 2半自動駕駛科技的進駐之外,ST Line車型的熱銷更是主要原因,而在本屆Tyson Foods Inc. Cl A Stock - TSN news, historical stock charts, analyst ratings, financials, and today’s Tyson Foods Inc. Cl A stock price. ... P/E Ratio (TTM) The Price to Earnings (P/E) ratio, a key valuation measure, is calculated by dividing the stoc...