Lao Tzu: Father of Taoism - Chebucto Community Net home page 兩個人每天面對面上班。她有時候會看著他走神兒。他有張好看而略微頹廢的臉,看得多了,他會注意到她,便總是衝著她笑。她低下頭,臉突然就紅了。很快,周圍的同事也窺測出她的心事來,頻繁開起他倆的玩笑。一來二去,他和她竟真成了戀人。 他們都到了結婚的年齡。那天一起吃飯的時候,她猶豫著,提到了婚事。Lao Tzu meets Yin Xi, the Guardian of the Gate of Tibet. Although ascetics and hermits such as Shen Tao (who advocated that one 'abandon knowledge and discard self') first wrote of the 'Tao' it is with the sixth century B.C. philosopher Lao Tzu (or 'Old S...