U-Haul: U-Box containers for moving and storage.你或許無緣親臨巴西感受世界杯足球賽的熱血沸騰,不過,夏天感受無限熱力的地方也不是只有球場,更多是來自於沙灘。碧海藍天加上身材姣好的男男女女,光想像那畫面就讓人血脈賁張了。不過,想成為海灘上迷人的風景之一,除了勤加努力把身材練好,一條好看的泳褲或海灘褲也是必備單品。近年流行圖騰大膽的膝上合身泳褲,看起The U-Box container is a revolution in how you can move. A U-Box container fits about a room and a half of household items. If you got it into your house, you can get it into a U-Box container. Save time, save money, and have peace of mind while moving....